Alright, did the sketches. Got lazy a little on anatomy, but these pictures are 10x better than my dog drawing them for me-
No I did not cheat and give my dog a marker. That's stupid.
So first up, I have a picture of one of the most universally known symbols associated with Slenderman.
Secondly, I have made a size chat, with a height inbetween the reported 8-13 feet, so I gave him a modest height of 9 feet for this demo pic.
So first up, I have a picture of one of the most universally known symbols associated with Slenderman.
It's called the Operator Symbol. Just a simple circle with an X through it.
Some say it attracts tall, slim, and handsome, while others say you live longer if you keep drawing these, kinda like a protective charm? I'm surprised none of the protagonists have used salt circles on him, but hey, that's just my preference.
I'd say 6'0 is tall for a girl, a decent height for most men, so imagine standing next to the faceless guy in black.
Nobody was kidding when they say that he's tall. A girl about my height only goes up to his waist, so it's no wonder he's a subject of nightmares.

So yeah, here's a bonus picture I doodled for you all, at the same time, to show his other very known feature:
Nobody was kidding when they say that he's tall. A girl about my height only goes up to his waist, so it's no wonder he's a subject of nightmares.
Some say he has tentacle-like things that come out of his back.
On another note, some say he's not actually a bad guy. Why would you run from a guy who only wants a hug? ):
That's all for now, guys.
On another note, some say he's not actually a bad guy. Why would you run from a guy who only wants a hug? ):
That's all for now, guys.
Sophie, I hope you know I am not adding Tall Slim and Handsome to my name list.