Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ava Willow.

Hello Blogger. My name is Ava Willow. As you may have read from Tom's post, we are using this blog for a school project. Tom, myself, and two of our friends will be researching and creating reports based on a series of various different online media creations centered around a being known as "The Slenderman" "Slenderman" or a number of other names that I shall list in a separate section of the report. This being is from a series of blogs, vlogs, audiologs and several other pieces of media commonly known as "The Slenderman Mythos".

As my partner Tom previously stated, the purpose for this blog is simply to get in touch with other Blogger users for information about the myths and legends regarding Slenderman and the Slenderman Mythos.

I personally do not understand why we choose to do this report on something that does not have a moral or a lesson unlike other mythological tales, however, it took a long discussion with our instructor to allow us this topic for our report. It would be pointless to change it to a different topic.

I will be doing my best to make certain that everything in our report is understandable, correct in both grammar and spelling, and organized in a proper format. I hope that our presentation is pleasing to both you and our instructor.

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